Sunday, April 02, 2006

Day after April Fools Day

Didn't finish the wainscoting today but want to thank Michael/Kat, Mom and Kelly (who called) for thinking I could actually do that. For the real thing you will have to visit Jim and Ann!!!

Brad and I went to Franklin Field in Philly today for 3 lacrosse scrimmages. It is a beautiful old facility and a great place for lax game.

Brad and the other long poles (defenders) did a nice job but the offense came up short. Here are some pictures of the stadium.

No action shots due to operator ignorance. I took 3 shots of the stadium and the card was full, not my camera so had to wait till game end for him to delete some. Good thing that my 13 year old is more tech savvy than I.

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Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Did not realize that Brad was 13 - where am I? Great pictures, handsome son. I know you can finish the dining room to your satisfaction. typing from
Goulds Mom

8:56 PM  

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