Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spring projects

Mike's built in bookcase looked so good that we decided to bring some white into our color scheme. Here is the start in our dining room, I hope to finish this weekend.

Anyone who has deer problems might want to try Deer Out repellent ( . It actually works!! Our perennials were eaten to the ground on Tuesday. I sprayed this on in the am, watered that night and they are back to 6" already.

Lacrosse season starts this weekend with the HS home opener and Jax travel at a tournament in Philadelphia tomorrow.

Bunker have moved into Raritan Bay and the bass cannot be far behind. Enjoy the weekend!!!

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Blogger Mike Maier said...

Fantastic wainscotting!

12:15 PM  
Blogger GrandmaMaier said...

The competition is keen among the Maier's. Mom couldn't be more proud. Looks great....

4:42 PM  

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