Monday, August 07, 2006

Lanier vacation part II

Dor and Sophie - thanks for letting us hang out at your beach house and we do NOT want to wait till next year to see you again.
We have 170 pictures which I am trying to sort into some order.

Here's the awesome evening view from the deck and some Gould family members to hold you over till Dor gets hers developed.

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Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Tom, Great pics! I am so glad we were all able to hang out together, I would never had made it down to the dock if it hadn't been for my many helpers. You look like such a natural holding two babies at once!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

In the tub tonight Sophie told me she did NOT want to get her hair continues.....

8:10 PM  

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