Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lanier vacation

I thought this sequence might sum up the beautiful location
(Dorothy's dock) and how much fun everyone had. Dor and I were the only ones not to attempt this stunt.

Many more posts to follow....

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Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Tom, Great sequence, and great jump by Brad. You and I refused to bow to the pressure, no jumping for us. Although I am still impressed by our older sister Mary's ability to conquer her fear and go for it. Watching the kids jump was close enough for me!

3:12 PM  
Blogger Mike Maier said...

The young lithe model makes a great photo sequence but c'mon you missed a photo of Mary jumping!
What are they jumping off anyway?

12:16 PM  
Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

Mike, they jumped off the top railing of my dock. If you look at Tom's latest post, you can see a better view of the dock. I would say it was about 15 feet in the air, or maybe higher....seemed higher anyway for this chicken!

1:47 PM  

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