Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Liotta Christmas Party 2005

No Christmas would be complete without
the obligatory matching outfits from Mom & Dad
Maier!! Thank you; I traded sizes with Jim and have already worn mine several times.

What if we go blue at the (Kenny) Maier picnic this year? We could really blow away the competition with matching pants....

Props to Jim Maier for sending in this picture and would like to see some of those family portraits. The webmaster reserves the right to refuse any photos that make his hairline more than 5 fingers high. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Dorothy Gould said...

When that happens, you refer to it as a "fivehead" instead of a forehead.....dor

9:54 PM  
Blogger liotma said...

Almost as cute as the Von Trapp Family Singers...mary

8:37 AM  
Blogger GrandmaMaier said...

I couldn't be more proud, what a handsome looking group. Dad just checked it out and was much impressed.

8:09 PM  

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