Monday, April 24, 2006

Experimenting with zoom..

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Outer Banks

The Maier boys showing some hops in NC.  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Not the day for a jetty walk...

Finally got my beach pass for IBSP but unforetunately picked the wrong day for first trip.

On a calm day you can walk to the end of this North Jetty, yesterday the waves were breaking over the entire length and there was actual surf in the inlet.

Good news is that the breakwall has been extended all the way around to the back which will make Sedge Island and flats more accessible by foot.

Supposedly the bluefish have arrived in the back bays but I have seen no sign of them. Stay tuned for updates. Posted by Picasa

Rich & Christine boys - Easter

Life is Good for Jackson, Bobby and RJ on Easter morning.

Harrison and Tom share a seat on Saturday night. Posted by Picasa

Ham and a haircut.

Kevin is wondering what he agreed to here....

It struck me how Brad does not look like a little kid anymore. Posted by Picasa

Easter Saturday

One of these days we will eat when it is light outside. What we really need is Dottie's double oven.

Coskey boys in their t shirts after some ball in the driveway.

Left to right:
Brad, Kevin, Mike, Jackson, Harrison on Tom's
back, Caroline, Kelly, Bobby, MaryKate, Steve.

Beginning and end of the teenage years- MaryKate 13, and Kelly almost 19.

No Cremin event is complete without the next day wrapup. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 06, 2006

05 Flashback

It's hard to believe this was just one year ago.

Since we did not blog back then here are some action shots from May '05.

Nice moves Kelly - and see you soon!!

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Day after April Fools Day

Didn't finish the wainscoting today but want to thank Michael/Kat, Mom and Kelly (who called) for thinking I could actually do that. For the real thing you will have to visit Jim and Ann!!!

Brad and I went to Franklin Field in Philly today for 3 lacrosse scrimmages. It is a beautiful old facility and a great place for lax game.

Brad and the other long poles (defenders) did a nice job but the offense came up short. Here are some pictures of the stadium.

No action shots due to operator ignorance. I took 3 shots of the stadium and the card was full, not my camera so had to wait till game end for him to delete some. Good thing that my 13 year old is more tech savvy than I.

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Spring projects

Mike's built in bookcase looked so good that we decided to bring some white into our color scheme. Here is the start in our dining room, I hope to finish this weekend.

Anyone who has deer problems might want to try Deer Out repellent ( . It actually works!! Our perennials were eaten to the ground on Tuesday. I sprayed this on in the am, watered that night and they are back to 6" already.

Lacrosse season starts this weekend with the HS home opener and Jax travel at a tournament in Philadelphia tomorrow.

Bunker have moved into Raritan Bay and the bass cannot be far behind. Enjoy the weekend!!!

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